The Indian Farmer

The Indian Farmer

An Indian farmer is very poor. He works like a bullock on his field from sunrise to sunset. He ploughs his field and sows the seeds. In the noon his wife brings his food to the farm. In season, his wife and children also work on the field.

His eyes are always turned towards the sky and his thoughts are always about rain. If there is good rain, there is good crop. If there is no rain there is famine and the farmer is ruined and lost.

Monsoon is his busiest season. He must plough the field and sow the seed in time. He has to keep awake at night in the field to guard his crop against animals and birds.

When the crop is ready in autumn, he has to pay the revenue to the government. He sell the corn in the open market. Out of the money he gets he has to pay the Bania for the seeds, the money-lender some money and wages to the labourers. In spite of all this hard work, he is very poor and he is often in heavy debt.

In the off-season he has little work and no income. He does any odd job that is offered to him. He has many worries. He has to repair his house, or get his daughter married. He has then to go to the money-lender and borrow money. The Bania charges heavy interest and the frarmer, once is debt is always in debt. He is at the mercy of the money-lender.

The Indian farmer is illiterate, uneducated but wise. He is honest and hard-working. He gives food to the whole world, but sometimes he and his family have not enough food to eat.

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