The Internet's Core Routeing Table Is Growing at an Accelerating Rate.

The Internet's Core Routeing Table Is Growing at an Accelerating Rate.

  • Submitted By: davidwenking
  • Date Submitted: 07/11/2013 4:45 AM
  • Category: Science
  • Words: 1738
  • Page: 7
  • Views: 116

The Internet's core routeing table is growing at an accelerating rate.
Discuss the reasons why this is happening,
what the issues are with having a large routeing table, and
whether it is likely to be a real problem in the future. Describe the main proposals being considered to address this issue.

The impact of BGP and IP routing tables on your network
reduce IP routing tables and BGP problems

3 BGP routing table
{3.5 Routing Improvements
helps solve the routing table size problem in IPv4 networks to a large
extent, though on the IPv6 Internet, backbone routers will tend to have much smaller
routing tables.
Subnetting with CIDR
However, the problem with this situation is that each network has to be routed separately as standard IP routing only understands class A, B and C network addresses. The result of using a range of class C addresses is a routing table explosion problem: a class B network of 3000 hosts requires one routing table entry, whereas the same network if it was addressed as a range of class C networks would require 16 entries.
To overcome the routing table explosion problem, a scheme known as Classless Interdomain Routing (CIDR or ``supernetting'') is used to implement address assignment. CIDR does not route according to the class of the network number, but instead routes according to the high order bits of the IP address (the ``IP prefix''). The process of combining multiple networks into a single entry is called...

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