The Issue of Class in Relation to Hegemonic Capitalism

The Issue of Class in Relation to Hegemonic Capitalism

My research area centres on the film ‘The Dark Knight’. Examines the physical and psychological formation of vigilante in a social and cultural context. Further propose a broader research into popular culture in relation to the system of law, looking closely at the interrelationship between crime, violence, and morality.

Text 1:
Journal Article

Meyer, M. J. W. (2006). Batman and Robin in the Nude, Or Class and Its Exceptions. Extrapolation, 47(2), 187.

Meyer discusses and critiques several Batman films regarding the issue of class in relation to hegemonic capitalism (Meyer, 2006); he chose the relationship of Batman and Robin to explain the complexity of outliers in society and their exceptions. Meyer discusses several different subject matters such as class, symbolic ideology and Utopianism in superhero comics. Meyer’s in-depth analysis of the character Batman and the cityscape encourages us to question the inadequacy of law itself, in which creates the space and phase for ‘liminality’. Meyer quotes Victor Turner’s concept of ‘liminal entity’, a term associated with invisibility and duplicity. In terms of superheroes, their existence is neither here nor there (Meyer, 2006). Meyer argues ‘with costume, the liminal modalities inherent within the system of law can be elucidated’. This article appears to be directed at an audience with science fiction knowledge as Meyer often compares common ideology traits in other superhero comics and films.

Meyer graduated with a PHD in anthropology; his area of expertise is of gender, sexuality, pop culture and Utopian ideology. He has published many journal articles focusing on this area of study. The significance of this article is the term ‘liminal entity’ and the idea of ‘betwixt and between’(Meyer, 2006). The term ‘betwixt and between’ means between states, neither one thing nor the other. Meyer argues the duplicity of the superhero image is vital, it allows one to be isolated from outside the social class...

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