The Killing of Kenndy

The Killing of Kenndy

Another quite important factor to examine is the assassination itself. The only
problem with this is a lot of the information has been tampered with, such as tapes, and it
is hard to determine whether the information that is published is from a reliable source.
Taking this into consideration, a number of unusual occurrences during the day of around
the time of John F. Kennedy’s assassination further demonstrate a conspiracy or a plot of
the sort. Amongst many reports, none of which were officially verified were that,
DEFCON, the military code for Defense Condition was only changed for Vietnam the
day JKF was shot. Military jet codebooks were absent from jets, probably to prevent
nuclear war from breaking out. Federal agency phones went dead two hours after JFK’s
death. The CIA set up an Oswald “double” in Mexico City six weeks before the
assassination. This “Oswald” called the KGB chief in Mexico City. This set up a false
trail to make it look like Oswald had Cuba-KGB connections. This gave the Warren
Commission a reason to conduct a cover-up for fear of starting a nuclear war with the
Soviet Union. The Secret Service illegally (at gunpoint) removed JFK’s body from Dallas
to Bethesda, Maryland. The Warren Commission declares there was no connection

between Ruby and Oswald before Ruby shot Oswald. The Dallas police administered a
paraffin test on Oswald’s cheek. It showed to traces of nitrates; evidence that he did no
fire a rifle that day. Air Force General Curis LeMay sat on bleachers at Kennedy’s
autopsy. He smoked a cigar and smiled. General LeMay, the head of the Strategic Air
Command, was on of a handful of people with the position and power to take codebooks
out of Air Force jets, control the DEFCON status, and to control federal agencies’ phone
lines. Two days after Kennedy’s assassination, the Joint Chiefs of Staff said that there
would be a 10-year war in Vietnam with 57,000 casualties. Oswald was seen on...

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