The last stand of Fox Company Essey

The last stand of Fox Company Essey

Theasdklf fact that the events at Fox Hill are some of the last instances of America’s direct conflict with the populous and continually advancing Chinese military gives us some foresight into the extreme dangers of an open war with the new super power. The resolve of both armies was unparalleled; the acts of heroism will live on forever; the loss of life was enormous.

This story teaches today’s Marines how to fight like Marines as well as why this service holds so many honors. The never say die attitude of every man on that hill is proof why the Marines are America’s elite, because they can take every hardship that God and the world can throw at them and still have the ingrained training, espirit de corps, and badass attitude to fire back, keep moving, and never give up.

There were many heroes at the battle of Fox Hill but one Private Hector Cafferata’s story stands above them all. On the first night at Fox Hill, Cafferata found his foxhole surrounded by the enemy as the Chinese passed through the gaps in the American lines during the first night of the attack. “Two enemy riflemen reached the lip of their hole; Cafferata clubbed them with his shovel. One of them dropped a Thompson submachine gun. kfds;a Cafferata picked it up and emptied it into another approaching squad” (86). He and his foxhole buddy retreated back to a slit trench they had identified earlier, to join two other Marines shoulder-to-shoulder to shoot upon a sea of enemy that overran a machine gun emplacement next to them. Withstanding two concussion grenades, three out of the four Marines in the trench provided supporting cover fire to repel the Chinese assault as the enemy focused their charges on the machine gun emplacements, leaving fire team after fire team dead in their wake. The other Marines mowed down the attacking enemy but were still overcome through the sheer number of attacking forces and the inevitable depletion of ammo, often...

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