The London Olympics

The London Olympics

505 days and counting the London Olympics are closing by and the committee fells positive that the outcome will be splinted. The preparation London has to take in order to host a successful is not over yet. The first few steps London has to organise is the transportation issue, London already haves a popularity problem with its public transportations. With a 2.2b pound budget most of the work is based on the facility construction the only matter is to finish in time and to do that London needs more volunteering workers to contribute. London being the capital city of England needs to establish a good security plan to secure the athletes and the spectators who will come to compete and see the games the committee can’t deny the holocaust that occurred in 2005.a further more investigation needs to be made for the inside jobs in the facilities when the Olympic games start for example the cleaning of the stadium the preserving of the grass etc all this need to be well planned 3-4 months before the games start. The matter that worries me the most is the Olympic village and its hospitality preparations is there enough space for all the athletes? How do we know that? A report of all the countries need to be studied and see how many athletes will attend in order to reserve a room for them. And- finally for my finishing statement I want to remind that the city needs to be clean during those 2 weeks no one would like to see even a piece of paper in the ground.

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