The Longterm Shift of Populations Across National Borders

The Longterm Shift of Populations Across National Borders

One of the most controversial political issues of today is illegal immigration. Illegal immigration describes the long-term shift of populations across national borders without complying with the legal requirements. Many people are crossing the United States borders illegally to find better jobs, escape political persecution, and to help out families back home. Some Americans are against this movement of immigrants. One problem is because of the damaging effects to the United States environment, another is the amount of money needed to clean up the waste that is being left behind. Illegal immigration not only hurts the economy, it is also taking its toll on the environment. Illegal immigration damages the environment when the illegal immigrants build fires, litter, pollute our natural water sources, and abandon their automobiles.

The foundation of the United States has always been greatly influenced
by immigration. For hundreds of years it has been the melting pot for
many cultures and many generations of hard-working immigrants. Now
Americans face the difficult problem of illegal immigrants working
within United States borders. To solve this problem George W. Bush
has proposed an illegal immigrant employment licensing program. It
stands to greatly benefit Americans as well as immigrant workers
looking for employment in the United States. The United States should
grant rights, such as employment rights to illegal immigrants. The
proposal will allow illegal immigrants to apply for temporary
employment permits that will benefit help immigrants work legally in
America. According to sources located at,

'An illegal immigrant is defined as a person who either enters a
country illegally, or who enters legally but subsequently violates the
terms of their visa, permanent resident permit or refugee permit. The
terms 'undocumented immigrant', 'illegals' are and 'illegal alien' are

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