The Manifestations of Bipolar Disorder

The Manifestations of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder 2

Bipolar Disorder is a mental condition that usually involves extreme mood swings. A person with the condition may feel happy and excited at one moment and depressed the next. The disorder was once called manic-depression. Mania is a mental disorder characterized by great excitement and sometimes uncontrolled, violent behavior. Depression is characterized by persistent and long-term sadness and despair according to The causes of bipolar disorder is still unknown; although, researchers believe that biochemical, genetic, and environmental factors seem to be causing the disorder. About half that people that have bipolar disorder have a family member with a mood disorder. A person that has a parent with bipolar disorder has a 15 to 25% of have the disorder. According to, Bipolar disorder most often manifest itself between the ages of 15-24, with a 90% of cases diagnosed by the age of 30. Doctors often use medications known as mood stabilizers to treat this disorder. Here is a list of other medications used to treat bipolar disorder according to clozapine, olanzipine, quetiapine, risperidone, aripipazole, zipasidone, valproate, lamotrigine, carbamazepine, and oxcarbazepine. According to, the symptoms of bipolar disorder are mood changes, inflated self- esteem, over- involvement in activities, reckless behavior, easily distracted, little need to sleep, easily agitated or irritated, and poor temper control. My best friends, cousin had bipolar disorder and he recently took his own life away because of his uncontrollable actions previous to his death. Bipolar disorder is not a joke and should be taken seriously. I am glad I have this opportunity to do research on this disorder and learn more about it.

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