The Mysterious Center

The Mysterious Center

e chapter starts out with Lily awake and Rosaleen still sleeping. Lily observes the black mary picture and ponders why her mom owns one. She realizes she has never met a Catholic. Once Rosaleen gets up, Lily and Rosaleen head out continuing their journey, but Lily thinks she has no plan and hopes for the voice to come back to her. During midday, they become hungry and Lily stops at a store to get them something to eat. This is an important part of the book, because we see Lily’s character develop. She lies to the clerk that she is visiting Grandma Rose, and she tells the clerk to open the coke for her, so she can steal the snuff. This is not the first time Lily has done this, she lied to the nurse that she was the jailor’s wife Lily sees a picture of Black Mary on the back of a honey jar. The same black Mary from her mother’s picture. The clerk tells her the honey maker is colored and her name is August Boatright. Lily thinks she knows her mother. Lily goes to tell Rosaleen about it, and they go off in search of August. In another key event, Lily stops by at a store to get the newspaper and see if she was in trouble for breaking out Rosaleen. She didn’t find a story about it though. Once they find the house, they are first greeted by August’s sister, June. June has a stern look on her face and isn’t exactly flattered by Lily and Rosaleen. They also meet May who they can tell has problems. Finally, they meet August who invites them into the house. Once inside the house, Lily gets a tingling feeling that she has gotten in other parts of the chapter too. Lily once again lies, and comes up with a fake story for August. She says her name is Lily Smith and that both her mother and father died in accidents, and Rosaleen fell down the stairs explaining her bruises. She was going to be sent to a foster home but she and her housekeeper, Rosaleen Williams ran away to Virginia to their Aunt, which is obviously not true. During the conversation, May starts crying when...

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