The Question of Reality

The Question of Reality

Among all questions posed to scholars, one exists that can have no definite answer and cannot be proven. It is timeless and it goes by many names, the most common of which is; What is reality? There is no definite answer. We judge reality by the senses that we all have. For instance, I can see that block of wood, therefore it is real. So then does sight determine reality? If it is seen, then it is real. This cannot be true, for some people, while under the effects of certain drugs, many of which I personally have taken, see things that most people do not. So if the sense of sight cannot be trusted, what can be used to determine reality? Can hearing, touching, smelling/tasting be used? Sound cannot, for sound is just the interpretation of waves in the air by the brain. For all practical purposes, sound does not exist. Touch is the stimulationof neurons in the skin cells that are transmitted to the brain. Touch cannot be trusted insomuch as it can be fooled. Electricity can be used to ignite the stimuli, thusly creating a false sense of feeling. If all these senses can be fooled, whats to say that all the senses are not being fooled right now? Who can truly say that they know that what is happening is real? The truth is, no one person alone can. It is the human race as a whole that we must turn to. For example, if I say that event A happened, and another person whom I had no contact with can corraborate my story of event A, then we can assume that event A is a real event. If an event happens and it can be deteremined that the even is real, then the event must have a cause. For if there were an event without a cause, then there would be chaos. Utter chaos, as random events happened with no regard for laws of nature or space or time. Nothing would make sense. Point A could be located at Point B and Point C, and Point A could also not exist at all. Since this is not the case, we can assume that reality is in fact, real. Since every event has a cause,...

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