The Relation Between Linguistics and Culture

The Relation Between Linguistics and Culture

  • Submitted By: melinda
  • Date Submitted: 11/02/2008 4:32 AM
  • Category: English
  • Words: 1104
  • Page: 5
  • Views: 2

The relation between culture and linguistics
From the perspective of the discrepancy of culture, the relation between culture and linguistics is, from my point of view, multi-facets.
For one thing, the discrepancy of culture between the southern part and the northern part of China helped to foster the prevalence of Chinese tradition which generate a Chinese cultural atmosphere for language study in and abroad .As it is known that language as the culture carrier performed an indispensable role in linguistics study .Firstly, language learning and acquiring means a culture soaking process with regard to their customs in various regions.There might be behaviors that are considered rude compared with those good manners accepted by local people. In cultural reference, the southern culture is more gentle and mild ,for example ,’shanghaiers’ and ‘Beijingers’ are different .The various climate caused distinctions even between rains too ,as in wang yingqi’s book ,the rain in south ,is gentle, sheer and lasting as same as the tender emotion of the girl from south who is shy ,sentimental and implicit .It makes the association of the tune of madrigal or flute, the flower in spring and the moon in autumn .It makes the association of the flavor wine village Xinghua and the wild misty valley as well as huts in the county whereas the rain in the north is straightforward ,fast ,rough and simple, similar to the love of northern boys, ardent ,outward in fervent passion. It makes people think of the grand music and the warfare, it gives us the image of magnificent plateau and arable land as same as ears and ears of corns and the brownish sorghum, flaming like a fire .In architecture, the south structure is prone to be miraculous while the north tends to be majestic and grand .The food in south are sweet and delicate while in north are salty and in abundance .Even the selection of dressing divert not only in color but also in style. The diversity have contribute to the...

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