The Salton Sea Analysis

The Salton Sea Analysis

The Salton Sea (2002) Assignment

Describe in detail the use of the flashback in two scenes.
Scene 1:
The transition of this scene (first flashback) was extremely smooth and subtle. The flashback was of him on the beach with a woman. This flashback has the intention of showing that Danny Parker was not always a tattooed drug addict but that at one point he was “normal.” This flashbacks shows that whatever happened to the woman was the reason that Danny Parker changed.
Scene 2:
This flashback is used to show his guilt for not being able to save or help is wife. Once again the transition to the flashback was very smooth and creative, after transitioning, it showed Danny and the woman asking a man for directions. Danny goes to the bathroom and two men walk in and start firing there guns. When Danny sees his wife alive he is relieved until she makes a sound and then the man comes over and points the gun at her head as Danny helplessly watches.

How did each of the flashback scenes advance the film's narrative? Give your reasons for each scene.
Scene 1:
Advances the narrative tremendously because it introduces a whole other side to Danny Parker. It shows what he used to be like before something changed him and also shows that he used to play music. When he takes out his instrument and changes into his nice clothes he remembers the woman in the scene and this shows the “other side of him” that I mentioned before.
Scene 2:
This scene plays a huge part in advancing the narrative because it shows how he lost the woman and also shows what their relationship was. By showing us how Danny lost the woman we find out based on this flashback that he is most likely guilty for not trying to help her, even though he would have died trying. This flashback also tells us how close they were and explains why losing her took such a great toll on him.
Describe in detail the importance of flashbacks in film (research needed here, two sources MLA format)
A flashback is a...

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