The Same Love Game

The Same Love Game

The same love game
by: Sarabeth Medina

You told me you loved me
But I could not trust you
,you told me you wanted me and only me
But the next day you were back to the same games
You told me you would do better
But still nothing changed
So I decided to go my own way
I cry and cry
for days
Till the day came I cry no more
I felt like a new person like a butterfly
Just braking out of it’s cocoon
I new then it was all going to be ok
The nights passed you noticed I did not call
Started to feel like I no longer cared
You called and called and I no longer cared

For those of you who are slower than the rest of us, her name of course is not Ms. Big Head. Although it might as well be because that's how I refer to her anytime that I speak with her. However, it's just a nickname I picked out for her. Her real name is Sarabeth. Letting the truth be told, I've known Sara for three years, but I never known her. What I mean by this is that for the past two and a half years, I've known her visually. Day by day I would spot her walking up and down the corridor and my eyes would naturally follow her, without her knowing of course. And let me tell u.....she was by far one of the most beautiful visions i have ever set my eyes upon. Latino all the way to the end, she had straight, light brown hair, skin the complexion of sweet caramel, and jus as smooth and eloquent. Her body? Just as nice. I wont go into detail because to do so, I would feel as if I would be defiling her, and I would never do such a thing. Although I must admit that I was on the mind of many women, it never Occurred to me that I was on the mind of Sara's. That disturbed me......but more importantly led my Attraction towards her grow even stronger, almost to the point where I had to have her. However, I never did build up the courage to ever speak to her while I had the chance. What stopped me you ask? Well......SHE JUST LOOKED SO MEAN!!! Whenever I witnessed her appearance, she...

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