The Sea

The Sea

The Sea As I looked out from the balcony of our beach-house I could see many seabirds nestled on the rocky ledges nearby. In front of me lay a vast expanse of water that had been stained a thousand shades of blue by the sky above. I could see the tiny corals below along with the tiny fishes scampering through the water in search of food. The sky above was crystal clear and the sun was gloriously showering the earth with its light. Far off near the blurred horizon the sun’s rays were playing a scintillating game of light . It seemed as if a river of heavenly stardust was flowing in and out of nowhere while the lights dazzled my eyes. While I was lost in this baffling scene, my son Jake crept up to my knees and tugged on my shirt. I diverted my attention towards my son who was still rubbing his puffy eyes. My beloved wife Marissa had met her end in an unfortunate plane crash when our son was only 3 years old, leaving me alone to look after Jake. That soul wrenching sorrow of losing someone so close to my heart had to be put aside as soon as possible for I had Jake to care of. He had grown quite a lot in the past 4 years. Now we were holidaying on an island resort, and had been breezing past for the last few days .Jake looked into my face and asked what I was looking at to which I replied the sea and lifted him up so that he himself could see view worth a thousand lifetimes. But apparently my seven year old son had a different opinion and so I decided that we should set off for the café as a hearty breakfast would verily cheer up the lads mind. While we had our breakfast I learned from the newspaper that there might be some rough weather near the beaches of the islands in the Indian Ocean . This alarmed me quite a lot and so I decided to have little chat with the resort manager. Now the managers name was Dharampal Yadav or Yadav as I liked to call him. He was a stout and dark man with funny accent . I particularly found his curly moustache and bushy eyebrows very...

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