the smile factory work at disneyland

the smile factory work at disneyland

1. The field of organizational behavior refers to the interactions of people and organizations and involves the systematic study of the behaviors, the processes and the structures found in organizations. The study of organizational behavior can be conducted from three rather distinct levels of analysis: the individual the group and the organization. Each event can be analyzed from these three levels, and the kind of behavior we observe and the types of problems we diagnose will depend on the level of analysis.
At the individual level, events are diagnosed in terms of the individual behaviors interacting in the situation. What are the reasons why we need to understand individual behavior? What are the concepts we focus on when studying individual behavior?
(5 points)

The reasons why we need to understand individual behavior are:
- To be sure an individual matches the requirements to be part of an organization
Match the abilities and skills of employees with the job demands
Diagnose organizational problems (among individuals or teams for instance)
Avoid the rise of misunderstanding and tensions
Understand ourselves better as an individual within an organization
Make sense of the workplace (we can understand better the interactions among people, why people tend to act in some ways, which dynamics drive the work force…)
Improve organizational efficiency (create an environment where people are willing to work and attain their goals)
Have a better control over the work force (improvement of management skills thanks to the understanding of individual behaviors)
Be able to predict the behavior of people within the organization (thanks to the theories and schemes the study of individual behavior gives us)
Succeed in implementing the culture of the firm
Communicate efficiently (know the ways to attract and maintain the attention of individuals)

When studying individual behavior, we focus on:
Personality: Personality concerns consistent...

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