The Study of Mental Processes

The Study of Mental Processes

How do psychologists study mental processes? internal subjective expiriences. Cant be directly observed. Make inferences about them based on behaviors or measurements.
What is introspection? Introspection is the self-observation and reporting of conscious inner thoughts, desires and sensations
How did William James think about psychology? Who influenced his ideas? Thought it more fruitful to consider the evolved functions of our thoughts and feelings. Influenced by Charles Darwin.
Know a bit about the Nature/Nurture debate. Which ideas frame this debate? Nature=genes, what u inherited from your parents Nurture=experiences, shaped by interacting with the world
Know about Freud’s major contributions to the field of psychology. Examined the unconscious part of the mind, treated mental illness by resolving unconscious conflicts
Know Freud’s basic ideas about the causes of psychological disorders IDK
Have a rough idea of what the following concepts mean:
Functionalism-school that focused on how our mental behavioral processes function
Structuralism-earlier school that used introspection to study the structural elements of the mind
Empiricism- evidence gathered via sense experience
Know what the “cognitive revolution” was.
Know the subject matter of the various subfields of psychology. Personalility, traits, social, or how we are affected by other people
Goals of basic research vs. applied research basic=increase the scientific knowledge base. Applied=solve practical problems
What does it mean to say that people are biopsychosocial systems? more complete picture of any given behavior or mental process.

Chapter 1
Know a bit about Hindsight bias and Overconfidence. HB=”I knew it all along, OC=people don’t like to be wrong
What is the importance of humility to a scientific attitude? Willingness to admit we may be wrong
Know about different descriptive methods
Case study
Naturalistic Observation
Be able to interpret a correlation...

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