The Sweetest Gift

The Sweetest Gift

The Sweetest Gift
By Mike de Craen

The sun streamed throughout the leaves, casting artistic shadows on the leaf covered ground. The smell of fresh air was invigorating, as was the scenic landscape. A tall man of around six feet walked along the ground, the leaves made a crunching sound, as he removed his top hat you could see his features, strong yet kind, and eyes that simply beamed intelligence to whomever took the time to notice. His black overcoat covered his simple white shirt, which was fastened at the top with a simple black bow tie, and in his gloved hands was grasped lightly a long wooden cane, with a silver knob at the top. This cane he twirled flirtatiously as he walked step by step with a young girl of about 17. Her light shoes seemed to harmonize with the 19 year olds heavy step. She had long black hair, and her green eyes never went unnoticed. "Abigail" the tall man asked, "what seems to be bothering you? You don't seem like yourself today." Abigail looked up, and Jedidiah, for that was his name, couldn't help but bask in her beauty, and her capturing gaze. With a sigh she replied "My father doesn't know I'm with you again, you know he wouldn't approve." With impatience Jedidiah responded, and with his response a slight southern accent seemed to become even more evident than before, " I don't fear your father, how could he judge me? He doesn't even know me!" he exclaimed in sudden anger. His eyes flashed and he had to move the shoulder length brown hair out of his eyes. Abigail simply touched him on the arm, and the unnecessary contact was enough to calm him. He sigh audibly and muttered an apology. By this time they had cleared away from the forest and two horses came into view. A black stallion whinnied with delight to see his master, and the brown mare next to the stallion looked to Abigail with apprehension. With a small smile Abigail looked up at Jedidiah and placed on his cheek a light kiss, and then mounted her steed. Jedidiah looked up...

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