The Thoughts Spoken

The Thoughts Spoken


L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that you adore

Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to our beloved English teacher and members of the floor. My name is ........................ and I would like to talk about the topic love. I am not talking about teenager’s love, boyfriends and girlfriends. I am talking about love to one word which is family. I don’t have to search on Google to find the definition of family. It’s just a waste of time. Everyone has a family. Everyone knows what a family means.
I know that 80% of you here in this room once had that feeling. You hated your family. You hated the way they call you baby or darling in public. Well, don’t lie to me. That’s what most teenagers feel. Even I once felt that since I am still a teenager. Teenagers usually they live in their own world. Their surrounding does not matter. Sometimes, teenagers appreciate their lover’s love more than their family’s love. This is wrong. Teenager’s, they don’t know how to differentiate which is a glass and which is a diamond. Basically, your family is the diamond.
You may have billion and trillion of friends but you only have one family. I repeat ONE family. If one day you die, your family will be crush apart but your friends and lovers, yeah, yeah, they’ll cry for a minute or so but they will forget you just like that. That‘s why your family is precious. They appreciate you in every single way.
You know, Mother Theresa was once asked what you would do to stop world hunger and to have world peace. She answered, go back home and love, love your family. I am almost 16 now, and I just realize something. When I was younger, I hated my family, everyday I feel like running away, in fact sometimes I felt that I was adopted like TV drama’s and stuff. I was so naive back then. I mean, I know I’m not that smart but I was so naive. Well, now I’ve realized that my family is the most important...

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