Theater Elizabethan, 19th Century, 20th century

Theater Elizabethan, 19th Century, 20th century

Elizabethan Theatre
1. Who were the prominent playwrights during this period?
Christopher Marlow and Ben Johnson, Shakespeare
2. Who were the prominent actors?
Richard Burbage (Romeo, Hamlet) , Will Kempe (clown)
3. What were the common theatre practices during the Elizabethan period?
Public theaters – The Curtain, The Rose, The Swan, The Fortune
Plays produced May-October in daytime
Flew a flag to indicate performance
3 levels – higher, the more expensive. Distance from the penny-stinkers or groundlings
Orange girls – sold snacks during plays
Limited scenery
Actors always wore contemporary English clothing
No women
Companies required to be licensed by Aristocracy “Lord Chamberlain’s Men” then “The Kings Men”
No directors,
Actors got sides, memorized lines, then hold 3-4 rehearsals
Never consecutive performances
Off days- bull or bear baiting shows
4. What was Shakespeare's theatre called?
The Globe
5. What were the physical characteristics of the Globe?
Circular footprint, “Wooden O”, open-air, stage was raised, canopy “The Heavens”, pillars painted to look like marble, underside of heavens painted with zodiac signs, trap floors, audience surrounded stage on 3 sides, 2 small side doors for entrances and exits, balconies for musicians, “Tiring House” to store set pieces, costumes and for actors to dress
19th Century Theatre
1. What major changes took place during this period and how did they affect theatre?
Economy controlled by factories of industrialization, transport theater, touring shows in America, urbanization – growing crowds, construction of more playhouses, theaters lit with gas instead of candles,

2. What were the three types of plays popular during the 1800's? How did they differ?
Romantic – rejected current artistic rules, created feeling atmosphere and mood at expense of believable plots, no subject matter deemed...

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