Theroy Analysis

Theroy Analysis

Every psychologist has a theory of how things are supposed to work. Whether it’s individuals, animals, or even machines if a psychologist has taken the time to study and observe how and why things work compared to how it actually works we will learn of their prospective on it. Dispositional theory is defined as an approach to the study of human personality. An example of this would be although ordinary people seem to be good, bad, or somewhere in between, evidence (again from social psychology) seems to suggest that most people would behave deplorably on many occasions and heroically on many others (Smith 2013). Theorists in this field have observed numerous amounts of behaviors, thoughts and emotions in humans to recall their type of personality. Gordon Allport was a psychologist who focused mainly on the uniqueness of each individual. Allport studied individual’s very closely to see how they behaved and how they use their creativity and also how much and often it would change. He called his study the individual morphogenic science and contrasted it with traditional nomothetic methods. Proprium which refers to all the behaviors and characteristics that people regard as warm and central in their lives.
Personality in dispositional theory has common traits. Allport has pointed out to us that there are at least three overlapping levels of person disposition and not everyone has all of them. He has also made it known to us that everyone has 5-10 central dispositions in which their lives revolve around. Three different parts which are: motivational dispositions which is seen as the stronger part to initiate action, stylistic disposition which has to deal with the manner in which a person behaves and not their actions.
Dispositional theories influence interpersonal relationships by the way individuals behave and react in situations. These types of relationships are few and far between because the deal with feelings and emotions.

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