

The first reason why I chose to attend college at this point in my life, is to further my career. Working for Verizon Wireless is a great and rewarding job. To be honest, to get where I am in this field without a college degree is not easy to do. It took years of hard work to get hired by them. Now that I am here, I would like to keep moving up within the company and some positions require a college degree. After obtaining a degree, it will open up endless door for me to walk through.

Finical stability for my family is another reason why I am on this journey. While Verizon Wireless pays nicely, I would like to be able to make a higher wage. Having a degree will help in this matter. This works hand in hand with moving up within the company. Moving into a different position, will allow me to make more money and provide more stability. It could allow me to start college funds for my son and two daughters. I want to be able to provide for my family what my mother wasn’t able to being a single mother of three boys. Having a higher paying salary will allow me to obtain this.

The final reason I am on this journey, is to prove to myself that I can do it. As I stated in my opening, I have had the mindset that I could not do this. I thought that if I went to college I would fail. Here I am. While writing this paper, I have learned to change my mindset on how I look at things and how I approach them. Learning to have a growth mindset has helped me not only in school, but in my work life as well. Being able to complete even the first class will be a big stepping stone for me. Once I finish school, I will be able to look in the mirror and say to myself that I started this journey and I was able to finish. It will be a great moment to be the first one in my family to go to college and finish.