Thou Shalt Not Race

Thou Shalt Not Race

Thou Shalt not “RACE”

As be bask in the glory of progressing into the 21st century, and as we think of us as being more “advanced” than ever before, retrospective abilities are of essence for us in realizing the real nature of our achievements. Progress, digress, or regress, whatever it is that we have indeed achieved truly deserves a reasonable degree of that very same retrospection. Man is a social animal, they say, and therefore there is society. Although, man also is Human, and analogy demands that there should therefore be humanity. Analogies break down, and with it, the rationalities. Perceptions take over realities, stereotypes take over individualities, superficial differentials take over inherent biological, structural and emotional similarities, and getting further, races “take over” races! Generations come, and then generations depart, but unfortunately, all that this race does is do-us-part. And let’s make no mistake here; these generations do not depart without their fair share of contribution in illuminating the next about the importance of the “R-word”.
Racism has been an integral component of American culture since its founding upon the genocide of Native Americans, and the forced slavery of Africans and Afro-Americans. Almost as if the degree of darkness of skin has direct proportionalities to how doomed one’s fate could possibly be, mockery is what is made of democracy and freedom. Every minority race has been afflicted, and it has become a contagion waiting for its eradication. Brown is now the new black, and regardless of the personal and educational development, the color that one’s skin flaunts determines whether one would be a child-terrorist, a senior-citizen terrorist or even, an infant-terrorist. Still, perfectly understandable for the ignorant millions that are totally unaware of the very existence of big countries such as India and China. So much intelligence and general knowledge for the people that live in the “first world”....

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