

Macbeth-Dramatic Irony:

“So foul and fair a day I have not seen”-this is the first thing Macbeth says when he meets the witches, dramatic irony is that witches say this in scene 1 so Macbeth is quoting witches even though he has just been praised by the king for his noble deeds. Act 1 scene 3 page 11.

“there is no art
to find the minds construction in the face
he was a gentleman on whom I built
an absolute trust
enter Macbeth”-the dramatic irony here is that that King Duncan is talking about him trusting that Thane Of Cawdor but he betrayed him. Macbeth enters and the dramatic irony is that the audience knows he is betraying Duncan.-act 1 scene 4 page 19

“ be innocent of the knowledge,
dearest chuck till thou applaud the deed”-audience knows that Macbeth is planning an evil deed but LMB doesn’t, she doesn’t know that he is talking about killing Banquo-act 3 scene 2 page 77

'By Sinel's death I know I am Thane of Glamis
But how of Cawdor? The Thane of Cawdor lives.'
The audience already knows that Macbeth has been made Thane of Cawdor by King Duncan because the treacherous Thane of Cawdor has been put to death and Duncan has given the title to Macbeth-act 3.scene 1

“None by woman born will harm Macbeth”-the apparition is telling Macbeth that he wont be harmed by any man born by woman but the audience can see that there is a double meaning there.-act 4 scene 1 page 103

“Till Birnam wood remove to Dunsinane
I cannot taint with fear”-Macbeth is saying that according to the prophecies he cannot be harmed but the audience knows there is a double meaning as Birnam Wood Has been moved by soldiers-act 5 scene 3 page 143

“Banquo:I dreamed last night of the three weird sisters;
to you they have showed some truth.
Macbeth:I think not of them;”-Macbeth is saying he is not thinking of the witches prophecies but the audience knows he is-act 2 scene 1 page 39

“Macduff:how does my wife?
Ross: well, too”-Ross is saying that Macduffs wife...