

Paperf jdkdjsic kfksjdjs ejdbdisnc did did d d d The cold war is one of the strangest wars ever. In this war no one was ever killed in combat, and there were no POWS. No, this war was a arms race war, and a war of influence between the two great superpowers. It still could have developed into a full fledged war. It was a very tense time in history and if a war broke out it would have been disastrous.
After the second World War the world was dominated by two superpowers; the USA and the USSR. "The Cold War was a result of this division of power and of the important policy of spheres of influence. In the post WWII-era the Americans thought that the Russians were aiming to incorporate Western Europe (the US & British sphere of The cold war is one of the strangest wars ever. In this war no one was ever killed in combat, and there were no POWS. No, this war was a arms race war, and a war of influence between the two great superpowers. It still could have developed into a full fledged war. It was a very tense time in history and if a war broke out it would have been disastrous.
After the second World War the world was dominated by two superpowers; the USA and the USSR. "The Cold War was a result of this division of power and of the important policy of spheres of influence. In the post WWII-era the Americans thought that the Russians were aiming to incorporate Western Europe (the US & British sphere of

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