Tne Unnecessary College

Tne Unnecessary College

The “Unnecessary” College
All of students’ lives they are told to keep their grades up so they can go to college. Teachers emphasize how college will provide an education that will make them successful. What about the other options? Is college the only answer for success? America emphasizes the importance of college, but it is not necessary in order to become successful in life. Although Americans believe college makes its students better people, most students have no idea what they want to do for a career and find themselves unable to get a job in their chosen field upon graduation.
College is a time in which students find themselves. Unfortunately, many people seem to have the notion that college will make them better people (Bird 205), but school itself doesn’t make them become anything. What makes students better people are the influences in their lives and the experiences they go through. The conflicting argument would state that social and academic pressures, along with the influences of other students and professors, make students better people. In college there are many issues that students must learn to cope with. The work force is the same way. The different issues faced in college help students become better people because they teach patience, perseverance, and give them the ability to have good communication skills. Can’t those same qualities be found in a manager or a coworker at Logan’s Roadhouse? The only way these qualities will help make students better people are through habit and practice (Plato 185). If they decide to work at restaurant rather than go to college, they can still find good influences as well. The people who choose to work instead of going to college can become very successful. Since they depend on that job, they work hard and tend to stay at the same job. As a result, they get benefits from the government and even get pay raises the longer they stay at that job. If they make wise choices with their money, they can become...

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