To Kill a Mockingbird

To Kill a Mockingbird

I had a summer project to choose a fictional character, and explain how he or she went against society. & to explain the ethical implications, morals, analyze conflict, etc.
Can you read this & tell me if you think it successfully answers the question?

And i know it's long, but can you please give me 5 minutes just to read it? Thanks (:

Atticus Finch, an intelligent lawyer from a small town in Alabama and the central character of “To Kill a Mockingbird”, faces the difficulty of being part of a society who is in opposition of his views. It is the 1930s in Maycomb, a time of strong tension between whites and African Americans in the south, and Atticus Finch gets a case that will further increase that tension. The person Atticus is defending is Tom Robinson, a black man accused of raping a young white woman. Defending this man is something that is frowned upon by the people of Maycomb County, and the majority of the town is angry at the Finches. Scout Finch and her brother Jem get repeatedly harassed by their classmates about this at school, and sometimes by members from their own family. Although Atticus and his family have to face an angry society, Atticus chooses the right thing to do- which is defending tom Robinson who was unjustly accused of this crime.
The Main conflict in “To Kill A Mockingbird” is Atticus and his family oppose the will of the majority. As I previously noted, the early 1900s was a time of segregation of whites and blacks where blacks were seen as lesser humans. The race got stereotyped as trashy people who couldn’t be trusted with anything. Atticus Finch on the other hand realized that the only difference between these two types of people was skin color, therefore he chose to go against his town to defend Tom Robinson, an innocent man accused of committing a very heinous crime. You would think that Atticus would show some bitterness to the people of Maycomb because they say vulgar things about him, but he doesn’t. Atticus finch...

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