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Accountability, Responsibility, Integrity
The definition of accountability, as defined by merriam-websters dictionary, is "the quality or state of being accountable; especially: an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions". This sounds good in text, and for most people would be enough, however, what does this mean to a junior enlisted soldier in the United States Army? Initially, it is something that may be used to define ones character. Somebody who embodies an accountable nature proves him or herself organized not only with what other may see, but mirrors a quality of the mind which might be described as a type of mental structure.
Those who are accountable plan ahead. With the understanding (after a short study of the dictionaries take on the word) that to be accountable is an obligation, it is in the best interest of duty to be prepared for whatever may come. In respect of accountability, and for a regular such as myself, that if the situation calls for me to be present with all my gear prepared and accounted for, I will ensure that all arrangements (if needed) will be concluded and organized so that I am presentable and on time. It is also important to ensure that your battles have themselves maintained and one should feel obligated to take that extra step. Without owning up to this obligation, a soldier, or a civilian under any kind of organization, might jeopardize the combat readiness, or the preparedness of the unit or business. It is this trait that backs responsibility so perfectly, that if to be shared under the same mind it should make the bearer stand out amongst most of others. That is because these two traits are compatible with being a leader, which is a type of person who owns many other traits that file under these two capital types.

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