Torah and Science

Torah and Science

  • Submitted By: pulstrike
  • Date Submitted: 12/11/2008 1:48 PM
  • Category: Religion
  • Words: 2232
  • Page: 9
  • Views: 673

German Levitan
Professor: Kelly Ginger
English 2: TF9A
Torah and Science
 The foundation of Jewish religion, thought, law, and society is the Torah. Most people will agree that Judaism is the first religion in the world, and other religions are derived from it. What is amazing about the Torah are the layers of meaning. The Torah is typically translated into English as "law," but it also means "instructions" or "directions". Nowadays, more and more people study Judaism, although that was not the case in ancient times. There is no doubt that many years ago the Torah was considered to be irrelevant and even contradicted the findings of science. Recently, many scientists find a remarkable resemblance of the scientific findings such as; world creation and age of the world, number of stars, law of energy preservation, and what day does a woman is considered as a mother, and those which were found written in the Torah by the Great Rabbis.
It is no wonder then, that any apparent contradictions between science and religion are inevitably resolved in rational debate in favor of science and its "proofs." In the ancient Greek philosophy and some of the contemporary theories, the world was always in existence, due to the alignment of stars which remained the same for thousands of years. The “Big Bang” following the evolution theory, means that the world was created from gas clouds combining together and exploding releasing an enormous amount of energy and as follows the world as we know it was created.” The support the Big Bang was in 1965, when two scientists, Robert Wilson and Arno Allan Penzias were experimenting with radio waves in their laboratory in New Jersey. During the experiment they found radiation coming from space, strengthening the Big Bang theory” (Cohen, 10). In the Torah the world was created by God, first created light, ant continued with sky, earth, animals and humans. It seems that there is a contradiction between the “Big Bang” and evolution...

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