Tourism and Technolgy

Tourism and Technolgy

Turism. tehnologie. dezvoltare durabilă

tourism. technology. sustainable development


Drd. Ing. Daniela Maria MUNTEAN
Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca

Abstract: This article presents several technological innovations that have an important impact for both tourism and the environment and also contribute to a sustainable tourism. Saving water, energy and recycling, lead to lower travel costs and protect the environment. You can get big savings on water and energy, if investments are made in new technologies of the industry; investments are due to be recovered in a relatively short time.

Keywords: sustainable tourism, technology, water saving, energy saving.

| |Introduction |
|Introducere |Tourism is the fastest growing sector worldwide. During this economic |
|Turismul este sectorul cu cea mai mare dezvoltare la nivel mondial. În|crisis, the engines of the economy - the car market, domestic |
|perioada aceasta de criză economică, când motoarele economiei – piața |appliances have dropped (in August 14% comparing to August 2008), |
|auto, electrocasnicele au înregistrat scăderi (în august 14 % față de |construction (11.1% in August compared to August 2008), according to |
|acceași lună a anului 2008), construcțiile (august cu 11.1 % față de |World Tourism Organization, tourism sector appears to have halted the |
|luna august 2008), conform World Tourism Organization, sectorul |downward trend that began in September 2008, so in the months |
|turistic pare să fi stopat trendul descendent care a început în |July-August 2009 the decline was 3% compared with same month of |
|septembrie 2008, astfel că în lunile iulie – august 2009 scăderea a |previous year. Tourism manages to remain one of...

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