Transfer Eval

Transfer Eval

Things are not progressing the way i had expected them to. The main difference between my previose school Brookdale and now Rutgers is the class size, and it has made my learning much harder because its more teach yourself rather then having the information in front of you and enable you to learn easier and take in more information. I found keeping your grades up at Brookdale was much easier not because the work was easier but because the teachers had smaller classes and could tend to students as individuals more so then at Rutgers. So far my Rutgers teachers have given so much information at once , and makes it seem like the want the students to just memorize the information rather then learn it and retain it. What i dont understand is why have curves on test, all my professors have given out these curves on the exams that are beyond reasonable making d's into almost b's. If you need to give that kind of curve i believe its time to change the way you teach, or change the amound of course work.

As a commuter i find it much harder to be able to suceed because school is not your only concentration in life, and most of the time your not in a academic setting. When at home theres no outlet to really concentrate on your school work. The libraries in New Jersey close at nine p.m unless your at school, so the only other place to study is at your home, which never works, for me atleast. You beomce side tracked or just don't do it. I try to stay at school as much as possible to read, or write papers, but only have a limited time before its time to go to work back near home. I think if i lived up in New Brusnwick i would have a much better chance of achieveing the grades i am used to and learning more then i am now, but financially its not worth paying the price, i would rather get C's anc save my self ten grand a year.

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