

Curtis Major P1
Chapter 1: The Renaissance and Reformation (1300 – 1650)
I. The Renaissance in Italy
A. What was the Renaissance
1. A New Worldview Evolves
2. A Spirit of Adventure
3. Expressing Humanism
B. Italy: Cradle of the Renaissance
1. Italy’s History and Geography
2. Italy’s Vibrant City-States
C. Renaissance Art Flowers
1. Reflecting Humanist Thought
2. Using New Artistic Techniques
3. Architecture: A “Social Art”
4. Leonardo da Vinci
5. Michelangelo
* Sculpture, engineer, painter, architect, poet
“melancholy genius” – his work reflects his many life- long spiritual & artistic struggles
* Created the marble statues David & pieta
* Painted murals on the ceiling of the Sistine chapel in Rome
6. Raphael
* Sweet natured
* Developes his oen style
D. Writing for a New Society
* Interest & curiosity in humanities
1. Castiglione’s Ideal Courtier
* The book of the courtier- describing manners, skills, learning & virtues to be a member of the loveee_nina
2. Machiavelli’s Successful Prince
II. The Renaissance in the North
A. The Printing
III. The Protestant Reformation
IV. Reformation Ideas Spread
V. The Scientific Revolution

Curtis Major P1
Chapter 1: The Renaissance and Reformation (1300 – 1650)
I. The Renaissance in Italy
A. What was the Renaissance
1. A New Worldview Evolves
2. A Spirit of Adventure
3. Expressing Humanism
B. Italy: Cradle of the Renaissance
3. Italy’s History and Geography
4. Italy’s Vibrant City-States
C. Renaissance Art Flowers
7. Reflecting Humanist Thought
8. Using New Artistic Techniques
9. Architecture: A “Social Art”
10. Leonardo da Vinci
11. Michelangelo
12. Raphael
D. Writing for a New Society
3. Castiglione’s Ideal Courtier...

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