Tuesdays with Morrie

Tuesdays with Morrie

What is culture? There can be many definitions of culture. It can be as simple as your whole family sitting down to eat and not having the television on or any electronics, to sitting down at the family table and not enjoying each others company. In this paper, it will be discussed on the many types of culture and their definitions, as well as my in life experience with culture.
Culture has many meanings; it can range from a wide variety of meanings. Culture, to me is defined as, systems of communication styles that are passed down from generation to generation. Sometimes the meanings get changed, while other meanings will forever stay the same. According to Sorrels (p. 4). “Culture is a system of shared meaning that are passed from generation through generation…” Culture can also be whatever you want it to be. A person may have different family rituals that their own family does that other families may find barbaric. For example, in my family we all pitch in and help make supper and then when the times comes we turn off all electronics, and then we enjoy each other’s company. In some cultures I have found out that people cannot go five minutes without technology. I like to think that people can take time out of their “busy” lifestyles and enjoy each others company.
According to Sorrels (p. 6) Marxist theories of class view culture as a site of contestation. In layman’s terms, it means that meanings of culture are constantly different from other cultures. I like to think of my self as a pretty “normal” guy. I am in a fraternity; I have a great group of brothers, who are always there for me when I need them. A lot of people think that fraternities are not part of the “social norm” on this campus. To me, I feel that being in a fraternity is the norm to me. I feel that as a Greek member, I get a bad reputation instantly with wearing my letters in public. I feel that we do not get enough credit; we do a lot for philanthropy as well as community...

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