Tuesdays with Morrie

Tuesdays with Morrie

Tuesdays with Morrie is a novel based of Professor Morrie Schwartz and his outlook on life. The book was written by a former student of his Mitch Albom and about his Tuesdays he Morrie who is dying of Lou Gehrigs disease. During Mitchs visits with his old professor he learns the true meaning of life which is that love is at the root of every human being and to live without is not living at all.

When Morrie learns that he is dying from his condition he decides not to give up and die but rather use this as learning experience and have Mitch learn with him about life and death and about what really matters in life. Throughout their fourteen day lesson plan every Tuesday Morrie and Mitch discuss and study about some of life’s greatest lessons such as love, family, community, work, and ultimately death in the end. We start to see Mitch and his values change as the book goes on and he begins to realize the errors in which he had been living his life. He had been living his life for money and other materialistic things instead of focusing on his relationships and love.

Morrie also talks about how he detaches himself from his emotions. He says he is not ignoring or blocking his emotions but taking the time to experience them without letting them control him and his life. Hes found a way to not let the fear of the inevitable take over the last of his days he did not want to let his emotions change who he was as a person. He remained composed so that he could get perspective on the situation he was facing. Morrie just wanted to fully understand and accept what was going on with him so that when it was time to let go he would be at peace with it.
Morrie wanted Mitch to forget popular cultural values and to instead develop his own self-created values. Morrie views popular culture as something that people need to stay away from because it doesn’t focus on good moral values but rather greed, violence, and superficial wants. Morrie created his own personal...

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