

a. To track 2nd Nine Weeks grades for your Math Class.
b. To analyze “what-if” scenarios based on various test and homework scores.
1. You should have your Science Grade Tracking Form opened.
2. Go to the sheet tab labeled Science 2nd nine weeks, right click your mouse, select Move or Copy.
3. In the section “To Book,” click on the drop down arrow and select (new book).
4. Select Create a Copy. Your dialogue box should mirror the following:

5. Select OK.
6. Save your new file title Book1 to Eakin Math Grades_your intials in your Z drive in your Math folder.
7. Once your new file has been saved, you may close your Science Grade Tracking file.
8. Now you need to format your Math spreadsheet by completing the following steps:
a. Highlight Rows 15 through 20, right click your mouse, select Delete.
b. Go to cell A9 and type the text Homework to replace the word Lab.
c. Highlight the range A14:A15, right click your mouse, select Clear Contents.
d. Highlight the range B10:C21, right click your mouse, select Clear Contents.
e. Go to cell A21 and type the text Total Homework to replace the words Total Quiz.
f. Go to cell B21 and type the following formula: =sum(b10:b20)
g. Hit enter.
h. Go back to cell B21, right click, Copy, and Paste (1st option) to cell C21.
i. Go to cell A8, right click, Copy, and Paste (1st option) to cell A31.
j. Go to cell A21, right click, Copy, and Paste (1st option) to cell A32.
k. Go to cell A28, right click, Copy, and Paste (1st option) to cell A34.
9. Enter the following formulas exactly as typed:
a. Go to Cell B31 and type the formlua =D8*.15
b. Go to Cell B32 and type the formlua =D21*.10
c. Go to Cell B33 and type the formula =D28*.75
10. Go to Cell B30:
a. Type the text Weighted Score
b. Under the Home ribbon tab, select Wrap Text in the Alignment Group. See below:

11. Change the color of the following cells:
a. Highlight the range A2:D2 and color the range with a...