Ugandan Education

Ugandan Education

Ugandan Education

The Ugandan Educational system works on for levels; primary, secondary, training, and then career training. Primary schools start at age 6 and continue for 7 years. Primary schools are free which makes it universal. If there is money available a Ugandan child will go to high school or start training. Then continue onto more advanced training for careers. We who have money to spare should find ways to help the poverty crisis and make a future for Ugandan children.
There is not much of an operating entrepreneurship program available for Ugandan youth. Higher education is only available for those who have the money to finance it. Many Ugandan children are leaving school with little training for life and ending up not being able to support themselves or a family. Informal entrepreneurship has existed in Uganda; this would suffice if it weren’t for the rising demands of the world and the need for a formal education. Skills that need formal education are management skills, advanced skills, reading, and writing.
There is funding for materials and for orientation to new curriculum on the primary level. But loans and start up money for self-employment is hard to come by.
So what can we do to help with the entrepreneurship program for Ugandan youth? First; we need to make money available for a training program that teaches them a skill that they can take with them out of school and strait into the world. Something like an agricultural training program seeing as that is the most dominant source of income in the area. This program could provide reading and writing skills, as well as farming techniques and management skills; much like a vocational class. This program could teach more than just agriculture though, if developed enough it could teach engineering skills along with teaching, technical, and mechanical skills. There could also be scholarship programs set up to put pressure on academic excellence in primary and secondary schools and bring...

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