Unit 9 - Distinction One

Unit 9 - Distinction One

D1 – Evaluate and justify the use of an appropriate promotional mix with respect to business and marketing objectives for a selected organisation
In this report, I will evaluate and justify the use of appropriate promotional mix in relation to business and marketing objectives for a selected organisation - Tesco. The selected organisation I have chosen it ‘Tesco’, which is the campaign I have used in P1.
Promotional mix
The promotional mix is the techniques firms will use in order to be able to communicate their messages to their target market. There are six elements to promotional mix, which consists of; advertising, personal selling, sales promotions, public relations, direct marketing and sponsorship.
Tesco’s marketing objectives
Offering customers the best value for money and the most competitive prices
meeting the needs of customers by continually seeking, and acting on, their opinions concerning innovation
Product quality
Store facilities and service
Providing shareholders with progressive returns on their investment improving profitability through investment in resourceful stores and distribution depots
Productivity improvements and new technology, developing the talents of its people through sound management and training practices, while satisfying them fairly with equal opportunities for all
Working directly with suppliers to make long term business relationships based on strict quality and price criteria
Engaging in the formulation of national food industry policies on main issues such as health, nutrition, hygiene, safety and animal welfare and supporting the well-being of the community and the protection of the environment.
Reference: http://uk.ask.com/question/what-is-tesco-s-objectives
One of the most important elements in the promotional mix is advertising, as this will be contributing hugely to Tesco’s marketing objectives. Tesco will spend a large amount of their promotion money on advertising their...

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