uop EDL 535 entire Class

uop EDL 535 entire Class

EDL 535 Legal and Ethical Issues in Education Version 3

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EDL 535 Week 1 DQ 1

What impact has NCLB and common core had in your school and district? Describe the cause and effect of these changes and how you can attribute them solely to NCLB and/or common core?

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EDL 535 Week 1 DQ 2

What is “due process” and why is it important?

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EDL 535 Week 1 DQ 3

Does or should a teacher have the freedom of expression in school?  Just as student rights continue in school with limitations, teacher individual rights continue as well.  What are the limitations that could be placed on teacher freedom of expression?  What are the limitations (if any) on teacher behavior outside of school?  What does nexus mean?

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EDL 535 Week 1 DQ 4

Outline and define the four distinct elements of negligence then create an example of when a student might be injured in some way at school  (i.e. a door slams shut from the wind and glass breaks, cutting a child’s arm; a bee is in the classroom and stings a child allergic to bee stings; or think of one of your own or from the text).  Discuss whether or when school personnel might be held responsible for these injuries

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