Uses of Robotics

Uses of Robotics

The use of robotics is developed on different plan.
On the scientific level where the robots can make all that the human ones was unable to do it like The "Odyssey IIb" submersible robot whitch was developed by research scientists at M.I.T. for ocean exploration
on the indistruel plan, the robots can make many things more quickly than humains.ils do not have need to be paid, eat, to be drink, or go to the bathroom like people. . They can do repetitive work that is absolutely boring to people and they will not stop, will not slow down, or will not fall to sleep like human.
On the plan medical, robots can do the job much faster and more accurately than a human can. Also, a robot can be more delicate than a human. moreover the use of the members (bionic) prosthetic who use the robot-like mechanisms became more frequent
The robots are also used For the military and the police for the bomb and to introduce the visual cameras and the microphones into dangerous sectors, where a human police officer could obtain the evil or be killed. The military also uses robots for ) the locating and destroying mines on land and in water, entering enemy bases to gather information, and spying on enemy troops
on finds the robots in the cinematographic field.Many robots are still seen on T.v. Star Trek - The Next Generation) and in the movies (The Day the Earth Stood Still, Forbidden Planet, Lost in Space, Blade Runner, Star Wars).
These imaginary robots do many things that the true ones cannot make. Some robots in films are made to attack people, but in the true life they cannot really wound people of the whole because they are not in the order of themselves. The robots also attack the human ones in sets of video and computer. Thus do not think that all the robots is put at death, because they cannot.
And for the Toys: The new technology of robot makes the interesting types of the toys with which the children will like to play. A new robot-like toy is the "...

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