Vark Analysis

Vark Analysis


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Learning style for this student is written information, rewriting if necessary to reinforce. Visual images and demonstration together with written references related to the same subject. After demonstration hands on practice preferable with written reference as back up. Use of mnemonics to recall facts are useful.
Learning strategies for this student would usually be to do multiple practice tests, using these as reinforcement of facts known and as study guide for facts unknown. This student recognizes that tests usually follow a set format and many topics or actual questions are repeated frequently. This student likes to make lots of written notes which they read often and may also rewrite if needed.
In comparing preferred learning strategies to those identified in the questionnaire, this student feels that they use a combination of visual and read/write learning style.
This student recognizes that the study habits that have supported them through the years may not be ideal but has worked for them. So why make changes now? Time management might be the only change considered. Due to work schedule and family obligations time for study has always been problematic. This student has always tended to cram study last minute, and usually late at night. Even though that approach has gotten them by it is not optimal. Now that children are older they feel that they may have more quality study time with less interruption.
VARK analysis can be used to help develop additional and more effective learning strategies for learning and improving communication skills. The acronym VARK stands for VISUAL, AURAL, READ/WRITE and KINESTHETIC sensory modalities that are used for learning information. There is some overlap between modalities.

This preference includes the use of maps, diagrams, charts, graphs etc. This style does not include still pictures or photographs.
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