Verbal Abuse

Verbal Abuse

“Invisible Scares”
Verbal abuse can range from name calling to having complete control over the victim. Most audiences would say they understand what abuse is, but many don’t know that verbal abuse is just as wrong as physical abuse to the other individual. But for verbal abuse it very hard to prove because there are no physical scares, or any obvious evidence. Because it is one of the hardest abuses to detect, verbal abuse is more dangerous than physical.
Verbal personal impacted me in many ways. I was not abused for a very long time and didn’t even know I was in an abusive relationship until I started to read different articles and books of this topic. With much need to know what I went through I read several books and articles from the Harvard News Office and several doctors. Most of them agree with my statement of verbal abuse is worst than physical abuse because of several reasons. One is that verbal abuse is sometimes imposable to read. Second verbal abuse can cause physical abuse, stated by John D. Moore, a certified addictions counselor. Vicki Crompton and Ellen Kessner, women part of the Violence Against Women in the U.S. Department of Justice, explain that several doctors agree that verbal abuse started back in the “colonial times”(pg2) when women were known as property, like a cow owned by a farmer. Other doctors or abuser would not agree with this statement because verbal abuse is just word, and “Sticks and stone may break my bones, but names will never hurt me…” stated by several articles. But words are worst than physical abuse because can cause the victim to deal with pain even if the person is not around anymore, just having them in their head can kill them.
Verbal abuse can also cause long term behaviors. Since verbal abuse can cause bad behavior most adults don’t listen to the victim and don’t try to stop it. Stated by William J. Cromie, “associated childhood verbal abuse with a significantly higher risk of developing unstable, anger...

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