Views on Sexual Harrasment

Views on Sexual Harrasment

Do Men and Women share the same views on sexual harassment?

Sexual harassment is a controversial topic, as its definition includes the act of unintentionally offending another person in a manner that would be deemed offensive by a reasonable person. Determining how a reasonable person would view the situation is questionable, as a weight of factors such as the subjectivity of the person can alter his or her view on the situation. Unwelcome sexual behavior has been a serious problem in our society for many years. To reduce unwelcome sexual behavior men must reexamine their attitudes towards it. We have to establish strong, clear sexual harassment policies in the work places where the majorities are men. Women must report all incidents out of fear that their lives and careers would be harmed. We need to focus more on this problem, because a lot of men still don’t take it seriously, it happens, because they don’t know the real definition of sexual harassment. Both men and women explain it differently.

When 1200 men and women were asked if they would consider sexual proposition flattering 68% of men said they would, and only 17% of the women agreed. The first problem with thinking a woman “should be” flattered by certain behavior and getting irritated when she’s not is that flattery is subjective. Some people are flattered by comments about how smart they are. Others want to hear how good they look. And some react cautiously at any flattery attempt because people assume they’re being buttered up for a favor. If a woman doesn’t take what a man intended as a compliment, the correct response is to recognize that there was a communication problem. It could be that the intent was misunderstood, nevertheless, it is possible be that a man didn’t elect the best way to express himself.

The major question is: What should be considered sexual assault? Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual attention. If the two parties are attracted to one another, then...

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