Vocab Quiz

Vocab Quiz

University of Phoenix Material

Week One Vocabulary Quiz

| |Define these terms in your own words. |
|1. Immanent |Present in the visible world. |
|2. Religion |A particular response to dimensions of life considered sacred. |
|3. Theistic |Belief that one deity exists. |
|4. Monotheistic |Believe that there is only one god. |
|5. Profane |Worldy, secular as opposed to sacred. |
|6. Polytheistic |Beliefs that there are many gods. |
|7. Monistic |A philosophical term which argues the variety of existing things. |
|8. Dogma |Doctrines have proclaimed as absolutely true by religious institutions. |
|9. Nontheistic |A term that covers religious and non religious attitudes. |
|10. Transcendent |Spiritual reality that only exists apart from the universe. |
|11. Incarnations |Physical embodiment of someone else. |
|12. Soul |Immortal essence of a person. |
|13. Atheism...

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