

* Government – institution throughout which a society makes and enforces its public policies.
* Public policies – all of those things a government decides to do.
* Legislative power – the power to make law and to frame public policies.
* Executive power – the power to execute, enforce, and administer law.
* Judicial power – the power to interpret laws, to determine their meaning, and to settle disputes that arise within the society.
* Constitution – the body of fundamental laws setting out the principles, structures, and processes of a government.
* Dictatorship – the ultimate responsibility for the exercise of these powers may be held by a single person or by a small group. In this form of government, those who rule cannot be held responsible to the will of the people.
* Democracy – the responsibility for the exercise of the powers rests with a majority of the people, that for a government. Supreme authority rests with the people.
* State – a body or people, living in a defined territory, organized politically and with the power to make and enforce law without consent of any higher authority.
* Sovereign – it has a supreme and absolute power within its own territory and can decide its own foreign and domestic policies. It is neither subordinate nor responsible to any other authority.
* Autocracy – a government in which a single person holds unlimited political power.
* Oligarchy – a government in which the power to rule is held by a small, usually self-appointed elite.
* Unitary government – a concerned government. All powers held by the government belong to a single agency.
* Federal government – the powers of government are divided between a central government and several local government.
* Division of powers – an authority superior to both the central and local governments makes the division of powers on a geographic basis; and the division cannot be changed by either the local or national level acting...

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