

Watergate scandal
Rough draft
Background of Nixon
Richard Milhous Nixon was born on January 9, 1913 in the small town of Yorba Linda, California. After finishing his college years at Whittier, he decided to attend the Duke University school of Law. After seeking the knowledge to become an outstanding lawyer, he moved to La Mirada to pursue a career law. He practiced there for quite some time. In 1941, After the Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, Nixon decided to join the United States Navy. There, he was appointed the lieutenant commander of the Pacific during WWII. http://www.whitehouse.gov/history/presidents/rn37.html) After his service in the Navy, the California districts elected him for congress in 1946 and shortly after won a seat in the Senate in 1950. (http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0760621.htmlIn ) Nixon’s clever ideals and victorious outlook helped in his selection as the vice president to Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1952. With simple things...like the checkers speech... the ticket won easily in both 52 and 56. With a taste of power in the vice presidency, he decided to run against JFK in 1960, but lost. With this defeat, Nixon opted to retire from politics but astonishingly won the Republican presidential nomination in 1968. He won remarkably and became the thirty seventh president of the United States of America. He was also elected again, four years later in 1972. During his administration, he improved many conditions in the U.S. that were once unstable or damaging. First, he was committed to ending the draft during Vietnamese war, which he did so. Next, he reestablishes a relationship with China, which was very viable and necessary for the U.S. In Moscow he discussed the need to decrease the use and assembly of nuclear weapons. He also established various anticrime and environmental policies. Nixon is the only person in American history to appear on the Republican Party's presidential ticket five times, to secure the Republican...

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