WEB 407 Course / Tutorialrank

WEB 407 Course / Tutorialrank

WEB 407 Complete Course Material(UOP)
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WEB 407 Week 1 DQs
WEB 407 Week 1 Individual Assignment / Encrypted Login Page
WEB 407 Week 2 DQs
WEB 407 Week 2 Individual Assignment Database
WEB 407 Week 3 DQs
WEB 407 Week 3 Individual Assignment Database Justification Memo
WEB 407 Week 4 DQs
WEB 407 Week 5 DQs
WEB 407 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Web Application
WEB 407 Week 1 DQs(UOP)
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Write a 200- to 300-word short-answer response to the following:
Why is it important to use standards such as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) when managing secure data on the Internet
WEB 407 Week 1 Individual Assignment / Encrypted Login Page(UOP)
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Create a well-designed and aesthetically-pleasing login page.
You may use a login page that you have created in a prior course. Alternatively, you may add your own basic CSS to the Login Page template provided on the student website.
Apply a basic client side JavaScript® encryption function
WEB 407 Week 2 DQs(UOP)
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Write a 200- to 300-word short-answer response to the following:
What are situations where proper database design might help prevent problems? What problems have you seen or could you imagine occurring as the result of poor design?...

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