Westward Expansion

Westward Expansion

Ch. 9 Notes

Westward Expansion and the Growth of the Market Economy
Transportation Revolution- 1820, draw draw, river west app, north to south, raods expensive maintain, horse drawn limited
Five Civilized Tribes- pockets white name, mixed, integrationslaves
Indian Removal Act- ove by force if necessary, fudn autho, ajck militancy
Cherokee Nation v. Georgia- no standing right to land
Worchester v. Georgia- protection domestic nation, no enforce
Trail of Tears- reoutes migrated west, suffering
Black Hawk War- cede land annihilate, gifts too!
Market economy- farm for marketshigh prices, practice short term debt, long profit, no effective.
Changing Federal Land Laws- TJ land cheaper, small minimum,fed gain rev no setlespeculator 640, 2 dolar, a year
Squatters-disdain weak, restain ladn bidding , buy minimum land sttled improved preemption
Causes and results of the Panic of 1819- land boom, banks loose practices, boom 1815, borrowed repay, bumper crop recession year, curtail credit in west, down prices of wheat corn cotton, farm no money wheat drop, spec no debt collect, land drop. Bad bad bank, vulnerable to f-comp, protection, 18248, depend on distant entrepreneurs transport revolution national force states, foce to pay back now.
Robert Fulton and the Clermont- steambaotmompoly,
Gibbons vs. Ogden- cong power state commerce cong, products and navigation
Erie Canal- first major canal project.363longest western worldingenuity peaceful progress NYC ohio

The Rise of Manufacturing
Causes of industrialization- embargo act 1807, redirect, tariffs protective less imports, enlsigh go uppity, transportation distant markets, factory made is better, selling more busy no make own
Samuel Slater- first permanent us mill spin cotton to yarn, Richard Arkwright. 9 100 1800
Putting out system- weaving of yarn, women homes, reinforce household.
Lowell Mills – thousand workers, 6.2 m, Merrimack, families, repuataion, girls attractedconditions, reduce wages, more...

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