What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up

What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up

Lindsey Zimmerman
HSA 3111

Remember back in Elementary school, when you’re asked that one question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” It seems that you always hear very similar responses; “I want to be a policeman, firefighter, doctor, lawyer…” etc. Now, think about how many of those little kids actually follow through with their dreams. For some, it has taken them in another direction or events occurred in their life and that dream has vanished. Go ahead ask yourself “What do I want to be when I grow up?” Is it the same response that you gave many years ago? I know mine is.
I’ve had my share of dreams; I went from teaching Elementary to majoring in History to become a history professor. In the back of my mind there was always something missing. I can remember when I was asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” The first thing that came to mind was a doctor. I didn’t know at my age all the different specialties there was. Instead, all I knew was I wanted to be a doctor and cure people. Unfortunately, as I grew up I came to realize the schooling and everything else that came along with pursuing my dream. Of course my grandmother or anyone else never mentioned to me the hard work or how long it actually takes to become a doctor. All I heard was “You can become whatever you want.” With this, my dream started to subside, and as I entered college it had completely vanished. I leaned toward teaching, which would be my way of helping children. I did well in my classes but didn’t have the passion that all the other students did about teaching. So my next thought was history, I’ll get my doctorate in history and become a professor. I figured I would have accomplished some of my dream by having doctor somewhere in there, plus I always excelled in my history classes and it seemed like a good choice. Well, about a year ago I was getting through my history classes and struggling through some boring ones, I started to think “Is this...

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