What Do I Want to Be When I Grow Up?

What Do I Want to Be When I Grow Up?

All people should be treated equally, don’t you think? I do, my entire life I have had a strong conviction about how others are treated. This led me to want to become a civil rights lawyer when I grow up. Many things in life have led me to this decision. For example, I have been around criminal justice my entire life, I have always wanted to help others and I feel strongly about standing up for those who have been treated wrongly.
My dad has been a police officer my whole life. I have seen the horrible things that he has had to go through, but I have also seen all the great and amazing things he has done to help people. Though I have a huge respect for police officers, but I know I would never want to be one. This led me to look at other careers in criminal justice. When my dad comes home and talks about his day I learn so much from him about the laws, the way certain situations should be handled, and to be honest I know a lot more about the law than a lot of people do and I really like it. Sometimes he will give us a situation and we try to figure out the cause of the accident, who is at fault, how they should be punished and what the officer should do. The whole family has fun and it is kind of like our own game that we play at the dinner table. My dad also has taught me strong moral values. He has taught me that no matter what everyone else says I should always do what I know is right and that someone has to take up for those who cannot defend themselves in time of need. Needless to say my dad and family has had a huge impact on my decision to want to become a civil rights lawyer.
I can remember when I was little I was always the kid who would stick up for another kid that was being picked on. I was very shy so that was extremely tough for me but in knew in my heart that what was happening was wrong and I had to do something. What I’m trying to say is that ever since I was little I have felt that treating others wrongly and unjustly is something that...

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