What Is Software Engineering?

What Is Software Engineering?

Software engineering defined

Software engineering is the application of a disciplined, systematic, approach to the development, operation, and maintenance of software. The word “software engineering was created by Brian Randell and was made popular by F.L. Bauer at the NATO software engineering conference of 1968. The term software engineer is a liberal term that is used freely in the computer corporate world.
Software engineering uses a style of code writing called the KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) method. Since designing software is not done in a haphazard manner it is important to keep it simple in order to create a program that is easy to understand and to maintain. A clear vision of the job the software engineer expects the software to perform is vital to the process and function ability of the program. It is always important to understand that someone else will use, maintain, document, or depend on being able to understand the software that is created. Most software has a short life span, so its life is measured in months instead of years. Since this is true it is important to design the program in a way that allows for maintenance or add-ons.
Software development is mixed severely with the mental and social circles of the people involved in a project. Most managers who pay close attention and use a hand on approach to a project tend to have more success at meeting deadlines. Upper management and staff experience contribute 120 percent to the productivity and success of a project. Success is not limited to the people building the software, but to the software it’s self. The type of software and the consumer demand also play major roles in the success of a piece of software.

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