What is the Pentateuch

What is the Pentateuch

What is the Pentateuch, what is its significance and why is it so important to the Jewish people?
The Pentateuch is the first five books of the Bible it is called the Torah in the Hebrew language. Although, the word Pentateuch is Greek; nonetheless, in either language it is the books Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. “ It was originally meant to encourage ancient Israelites to believe and trust in God because of his faithful relationship with their ancestors.” (Encountering the Old Testament pg. 64). The importance’s of the Pentateuch to the Israelites is also found on page 64 it reads, “So without presenting a complete history of Israel it traces the actions of God and Israel in history. For two millennia, believers have found important historical, religious, and theological truths in these books.”
This question is more for you “Robert” would the stone tablet in chapter 4, page 81 be considered a form of cuneiform? In addition, what is the popular Christian Scholar rebuttal for the Enuma Elish and the Epic of Atrahasis story and time line? Furthermore, the “Gilgamesh Epic” is what really has my attention, the book does not give a very in-depth answer, other than there is no evidence that the OT simply borrowed these parallels. What are your thoughts on the similarities of the Mosaic writings and these three stories. Also, can you recommend any further reading material, documentaries, or websites that might enlighten me with a Christian point of view.
Arnold, Bill, and Bryan Beyer. (2008) Encountering the Old Testament. (2nd ed.) Grand Rapids: Baker Books. ISBN: 0801031702.

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